'Stop-Asian-Hate' Rally in March 2021

A crowd of about 200 people turned out at the Hopkinton Town Common on Saturday afternoon for a rally and marched to bring awareness to racially charged sentiments of hate against Asian-Americans.

This rally was organized by the Hopkinton Chinese American Association, with support from the Hopkinton Freedom Team and attended by many residents and organizations in town including the South Asian Circle of Hopkinton. The participants held signs and marched around the Common with signs voicing their anti-hatred agenda.   

Click here to view photos and read about the event: 

As part of the event, HPS junior Kevin Gu gave a powerful speech about the issues that have been transpiring recently throughout the country and said it is high time to call out and speak up against these injustices. 

Below is a video of his speech:

There has been an increase in anti-Asian crimes that mostly have targeted elders and women. Some Asians have never felt so unsafe in the U.S. as they have recently. 

The Hopkinton Freedom Team stands up to this anti-Asian hate and bias and we ask you to do the same in showing your support for our neighbors, friends and loved ones.


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